Why Do So Many People Rub a Potato on Wooden Doors? Discovered the Reason

Cleaning your house involves paying meticulous attention to every element within it. A particularly decorative element found in every environment is wooden doors. Unfortunately, they are often hastily and superficially cleaned, sometimes without realizing the potential risk of damaging the material.

rubbing potato on the door

Wooden doors serve a dual purpose, combining aesthetics and functionality. Crafted from high-quality materials, they’re viewed as a long-lasting investment. However, remember that they are subject to dust, fingerprints, and dirt stains. Not to mention the external door, which is constantly subjected to all types of atmospheric agents.

To keep wooden doors clean and in good condition, caring for them is crucial. Today, we will deal with precisely this: paying more attention when cleaning wooden doors to clean them without ruining them. In fact, there is a method that draws inspiration from grandmother’s famous remedies, involving entirely natural ingredients without the need for detergents or harsh chemicals. This approach ensures thorough cleaning without risking damage to the wood.

One potato is enough to have nourished and shiny wooden doors

How to clean wooden doors with a potato

Many people lately are cleaning this piece of furniture with a potato. Using a potato to clean wooden doors may seem strange, but some excellent reasons exist. Potatoes, being naturally moist, aid in maintaining the hydration of wooden doors, preventing the development of cracks or fissures.

Furthermore, they contain starch, known for its hydrating and soothing properties. Another compelling reason for using them lies in their natural polishing ability, which eliminates the need for toxic products and reduces the environmental impact.

Potatoes, being naturally moist, aid in maintaining the hydration of wooden doors, preventing the development of cracks or fissures.

Before diving into the process, you must remember to avoid waste. You can efficiently use sprouted potatoes for this purpose. Here’s how to go about it: Take a potato, cut it in half, and gently rub it across the entire door surface. Then, wipe the door again with a well-wrung damp cloth to eliminate any remaining residue. As you can see, it’s a simple method to nourish and achieve a glossy finish on your wooden doors.

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