Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms that are ignored by most people

Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins for the body. Maintaining adequate levels of the vitamin promotes proper metabolism, healthy cell function, and a better overall mood. If a deficiency of vitamin B12 lasts more than five years, there could be some serious consequences.

The role this vitamin plays is fundamental to some of the processes that occur in the body. It has even earned the nickname ”energy vitamin”, and we typically get enough of it through the food we eat.

However, sometimes we have to use other options to get enough vitamin B12. But why else is this vitamin so important? Vitamin B12 also aids in the production of DNA and the maintenance of neurons, red blood cells, and genetic material. Vitamin B12 is also unique in the fact that it doesn’t get expelled from the body through urine. Instead, the liver and the kidneys help the body store it for later use.

Symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency

There have been studies that have found a link between a deficiency of vitamin B12 and the development of Alzheimer’s. Memory loss, lack of concentration, and confusion are all typical negative effects from the deficiency. Also, due to poor blood circulation, symptoms can also include a constant tingling sensation in the arms and legs.

The good news is that if consumption of vitamin B12 is increased, the negative side effects from a previous deficiency can be reversed. This is, however, assuming they haven’t reached an advanced state. Of course, it is inevitable that we all at times feel tired, irritable, or disoriented. These symptoms are not necessarily a result of a vitamin B12 deficiency, but they can instead be due to a less severe imbalance.

Another example is constant fainting due to dizziness, which sometimes can result in anemia. Anemia is typically caused by an iron deficiency, but at times there is a direct link to a deficiency of B12.

Other symptoms

Some of the other symptoms to watch out for are shivering, rapid changes in body temperature, mouth pain, and frequent infections.

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