Suffumigi, How to Fight Colds, Coughs and Sore Throats Naturally

Now more than ever, colds, coughs, sore throats, and sniffles seem to plague us. Besides the well-known flu or potential Covid-19 infections, various viruses and bacteria can trigger these symptoms. Of course, everyone tells us to stay home and rest to let the body fight the illness, but not all of us have health insurance or the luxury to stay home for every sniffle. Therefore, we can dedicate ourselves to fumigation to alleviate the symptoms of a cold and recover sooner.

And by the way, I know you’ve never liked masks, but it’s worth acknowledging the practical wisdom of using masks in certain situations. Taking a cue from the Japanese approach, wearing a mask can be a considerate gesture if you find yourself compelled to work despite a sore throat or cold. It serves as a form of respect toward colleagues and customers, helping prevent the spread of infections and safeguarding the well-being of those around you.

How are fumigations made against colds?

a girl is inhaling Suffumigi to fight cold

Fumigations, also known as steam inhalations or aerosols (but in this case, you need a specific device), involve harnessing the therapeutic properties of hot steam from boiling water. This method aims to alleviate respiratory discomfort by clearing airways, dissolving phlegm or mucus, and soothing throat symptoms. Enhanced with essential oils or herbs added to the hot water.

In general, fumigations work well in case of:

  • cold
  • sinusitis
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • hoarseness
a person is pouring some tea tree oil drops on the  bay leaf

It’s not even difficult to prepare them. Boil some water, add the essential oils or herbs most suitable for your health problem and when the water boils, inhale the steam.

Usually, you keep your face 30-40 cm away from the pan to keep yourself from burning during fumigation. Covering your head with a towel helps contain the steam, maximizing its effectiveness. It’s crucial to perform this procedure with the heat turned off to avoid potential hazards—ensuring safety for yourself and the surroundings by preventing the risk of igniting the towel or hair.

Inhale the hot steam for approximately ten minutes, alternating between a breath through your nose and a breath through your mouth. For enhanced effectiveness, you can repeat the fumigation process several times throughout the day.

Using steam inhalations is generally safe unless you’re allergic to the chosen essential oils or herbs. If you suffer from asthma, be cautious, as the water vapor might irritate your airways.

How to fight sickness naturally using fumigations

Choosing essential oils and herbs depends on your specific issue. Just add 2 or 3 drops of the appropriate essential oil:

  • bicarbonate: this is actually the foundation of steam inhalations, enhancing the efficacy of essential oils and herbs. It acts as a catalyst, amplifying the therapeutic benefits of the infused steam during the fumigation process
  • mint or eucalyptus: useful against sore throat, as a decongestant, and to reduce inflammation
  • chamomile: useful against colds, it also serves as a decongestant and to clear the airways
  • rosemary or bay leaf: eliminates headaches, solves the problem of watery eyes in case of colds, and fights the symptoms of sinusitis
  • tea tree oil: helps in case of hoarseness (or aphonia altogether) and cough

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