My Grandmother Used This Trick to Eliminate Humidity in Closets

Humidity is a widespread issue that can affect both old and new homes. While we often associate humidity with walls and frames, this insidious guest can infiltrate various areas of the house. In some places, humidity might not be immediately visible but can cause serious damage to furnishings and clothing. We’re talking about wardrobes.

Say goodbye to humidity in closets with the DIY dehumidifier

Opening cupboards and detecting unpleasant odors is a common issue. If you don’t act quickly, you risk finding your clothes end up stained with mold and impregnated with unpleasant smells. One effective strategy to tackle this problem is to position wardrobes in dry locations, such as along internal walls or corridors. Avoid placing them near external walls, doors, or windows.

On sunny days, it would be very beneficial to empty cupboards and drawers, leaving them open to allow humidity to escape. Before returning clothes to the wardrobes, ensure they are completely dry.

coarse salt in the jar

Keep closets dry with the DIY dehumidifier.

If your home is particularly humid, you can create a DIY dehumidifier using rice and salt. Both ingredients possess hygroscopic properties, attracting and retaining water from the surrounding environment. Rice grains capture moisture thanks to their porous surface, while salt is effective due to its dehydrating action. Note that this does not mean it is used to preserve foods like meat and protect them from mold and bacteria.

rice grains in the bowl

To prepare the dehumidifier, pour salt and rice into gauze, wrap it like candy, seal it with adhesive tape or colored ribbons, and place it in the wardrobe. You can create the required quantity according to your needs. Initially, replace the ingredients contained in the gauze every 3 or 4 days. As the air becomes drier, you can extend the replacement interval to every 2 weeks.

You can also use this simple DIY dehumidifier in different places, like the bathroom or kitchen. Just pour the ingredients into a small bowl and put it in the humid areas of your house.

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