Clothes With Oil Stains? Remove Them Easily With This Trick
Many of us face the frustration of oil stains on our clothes. The problem is that these stains are frequently difficult to remove, which forces us not only to quickly change clothes, but also to have to throw away our favorite t-shirt. Or not to use it when you leave the house. The good news is, there are natural remedies to combat these stains. But remember, time is of the essence. The quicker you act, the better your chances of success in saving your favorite outfits.
Many of us face the frustration of oil stains on our clothes. The problem is that these stains are frequently challenging to remove, forcing us to change clothes quickly and throw away our favorite t-shirt. Or not to use it when you leave the house. The good news is there are natural remedies to combat these stains. But remember, time is of the essence. The quicker you act, the better your chances of success in saving your favorite outfits.

How to remove oil stains from clothes?
Here are two ways to remove oil stains from clothes. They should work on both fresh and older, stubborn stains. However, it’s essential to remind you that the sooner you tackle the stain, the better your chances of success.
Here are two ways to remove oil stains from clothes. They should work on both fresh and older, stubborn stains. However, it’s essential to remind you that the sooner you tackle the stain, the better your chances of success.
- Alcohol: Take ethyl alcohol and cover the stain with it, leaving it to act for 15 minutes. After this period, immerse the stained dress in a basin filled with warm water and laundry soap for another 15 minutes. Then, carefully rinse the clothing while gently rubbing the stained part. The stain should be gone by now.

- Iron: In the case of delicate garments, however, you need to act with a little more care. Grab a brown paper bag, like a typical bread bag. Just remove all the crumbs. Next, take an iron and position the bag beneath the dress. Gently run the iron over the stain, allowing the heat to transfer the stain from the clothing to the bag. In theory, this method should work effectively.
Before trying these methods, however, make sure that the dress’s fabric is made resistant to alcohol or iron to avoid ruining it.