3 essential things you can do with banana peels

Banana peels are often considered simple fruit waste to throw away. This is because their properties and benefits have yet to be discovered. In this article, we aim to enlighten you on three surprising ways to reuse them.

Banana peels: how to recycle them in 3 different ways

Bananas are extremely healthy fruits, serving as true powerhouses in a balanced diet. Beyond being excellent carbohydrate sources, bananas are fiber-rich, promoting proper intestinal transit. Furthermore, their content of B vitamins, including vitamin B6, potassium, and folic acid, makes them valuable energy sources for the body.

Like bananas, their waste has excellent properties and can be repurposed in various ways. Not only are banana peels readily available, but they are also cost-effective and compostable, presenting a sustainable and eco-friendly option.

a girl is surprisingly happy because her teeth are white after applying banana peels on them

3 alternative uses of banana peels

First, banana peels are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help reduce redness, swelling, and skin irritation. Simply massage the inside of the peel onto the affected area for instant relief. They can also be used to soothe insect bites, address blackheads, and alleviate acne.

Not everyone knows that banana peels are fantastic allies for dental care. They contain salicylic acid and natural enzymes that can reduce tooth stains from smoking, caffeine, or inadequate oral hygiene. Rubbing a banana peel on your teeth for a few minutes daily can yield visible results over time.

banana peels in the garbage

Finally, they can serve as an excellent soil fertilizer. Packed with essential nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, crucial for plant growth, you can cut the peels into small pieces, position them near the roots, or utilize them to create natural compost.

In addition to nourishing plants, banana peels can act as a natural repellent against harmful insects and parasites like aphids and whiteflies, thanks to their unpleasant odor.

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