2 key ingredients for making a great homemade detergent

There is a simple way to make detergent in the comfort of your own home. By using this method, we will end up with a product that is free of chemicals, making this homemade laundry soap a great natural alternative to the store-bought alternatives. And for this project, we will need to get a hold of two key ingredients, vinegar and some cornstarch.

Vinegar comes into play for some fairly obvious reasons. It acts as an excellent degreaser as well as a disinfectant. This product is also useful when it comes to getting rid of limescale and can act as a deodorizer. Due to the versatility of vinegar, it can be quite effective as a soap for doing laundry and also for cleaning the home.

Cornstarch in this case is going to be used very similarly to baking soda. Like vinegar, cornstarch comes with some pretty handy cleaning capabilities. These can be observed when it comes to fighting grease and getting stains off of carpets and rugs. This is why cornstarch will be an ideal partner in this homemade detergent recipe.


To get started, we will need the following items:

  • 200 grams of soap powder
  • 5 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • 5 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
  • 3 ½ liters of boiling water
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 500ml of detergent
laundry products

Not that we have covered the list of things that we will need, we can get going. Begin by pouring the measures of cornstarch and soap powder into a large container. Then follow them up with the rest of the dry ingredients. Next, slowly add in the boiling water while continuing to stir.

white cornstarch

Continue stirring without interruption until all the elements have completely dissolved in the water. Once this is accomplished we can also add in the white wine vinegar and detergent. Now we can let the solution sit for about 12 hours. After enough time has passed, the mixture will be ready for the next load of laundry, and you will see that your clothes will end up clean and smelling fresh.

Another tip for our homemade detergent is to add some essential oil for a little extra fragrance. Just a couple of drops of oil is plenty. Also, when cleaning linens either lavender or a mixture of talcum powder and rose water are great options as well.

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